It is the branch of dentistry that treats gum disease: This is the meaning of periodontics. Would you like to know more information about this specialty?? On the blog of MARSO Dental Clinic, Here's everything you need to know; If you're interested, ¡Read!

How to cure periodontitis

Periodontitis is, along with gingivitis, one of the diseases that affects periodontal tissue. This infection consists of the accumulation of harmful bacteria in the periodontium to such an extent that, if not treated in time, can end in tooth loss.
For this not to happen, prevention and early diagnosis of the disease is vital. In this sense, To cure periodontitis, periodontal treatments must be used:

  • Thorough hygiene: The first thing your dentist will do is a deep cleaning, as well as teaching you hygiene techniques, highlighting the importance of dental floss and interproximal brushes. To get rid of bacteria that have accumulated on your teeth and under your gums, Scaling and root planing sessions are needed.
  • Surgery: After hygiene, Your dentist will evaluate the results and consider the decision to perform surgery to remove periodontal pockets of bacteria that form under your gums.
  • Maintenance: after having stopped the disease thanks to surgical intervention, It is necessary to attend all the appointments that will be held periodically to check the condition of the gums and avoid possible recurrences.

Many of our patients ask us if these treatments are painful and the answer is no. If surgical intervention is needed, It will always be performed under local anesthesia.

How a periodontics is done in specific cases

Can I have a periodontics if I wear braces? Can children suffer from periodontitis?? These are some of the questions that some of our patients ask us every day. In this sense, There are some specific cases that we are going to detail:

  • Periodontics with braces: People who wear orthodontics can undergo periodontal treatments. In fact, The movements made by the appliance on the teeth can lead to periodontal disease. Nevertheless, Those who tend to suffer from periodontal disease and want to get orthodontics, It is recommended that they first undergo a treatment in which the inflammation of the tissues is eliminated.
  • Periodontics for geriatric patients: Periodontal treatment in the elderly is possible. The increased severity of periodontitis in geriatric patients is usually related to long exposure of tissues to bacterial plaque microorganisms. Likewise, The latest studies ensure that, both gingivitis and periodontitis, can be successfully treated in this population. Deep hygiene, usually the best option for the elderly, avoiding surgery and carrying it out only in justified cases.
  • Infant periodontics: Many people think that periodontal disease is a pathology that only affects adults, But the truth is that more and more children and adolescents have gingivitis, The first phase of periodontal disease. Although periodontitis is less common to appear in this population, It can also occur. In order to treat this problem, It is necessary for the child to attend periodic check-ups in which the dentist will teach him to change his oral hygiene habits with cleaning techniques that avoid possible periodontal diseases.

Periodontal treatment in pregnancy

According to clinical data, A high percentage of pregnant women have inflammation of the gums at some point during pregnancy. One of the causes is the increase in female hormones, which promotes the multiplication of bacteria in the oral cavity.

In addition to being very careful in oral hygiene, It is advisable for pregnant women to go to the dentist more frequently to be able to detect periodontal disease from its beginnings. Another reason is to adopt preventive measures such as dental cleaning and scaling and root planing whenever necessary.

When does periodontics require surgery?

This is another of the questions that our patients ask themselves. The answer is when theperiodontitis is very advanced and curettages are not enough to remove accumulated bacterial plaque.

How to avoid periodontics?

Periodontitis is one of the most common dental pathologies, since it affects almost half of the Western population. The key to avoiding this disease is theprevention, but how to carry it out? Here are a series ofcouncils:

  • Brush your teeth during 2 minutes when you wake up, at bedtime and after each meal.
  • Floss in the gaps between your teeth.
  • Avoid tobacco.
  • Perform one or two dental cleanings a year at your trusted clinic.

Nevertheless, It is always mandatory when carrying out this treatment that it is done with the highest possible quality. That is why, Our periodontics treatment in MARSO Dental Clinic, It is one of the best options to solve the problem.

Is there a difference between periodontics and endodontics??

Periodontics is responsible for the care of the gums, while endodontics is a treatment that consists of the extraction of the nerve from a tooth affected by a very advanced cavity.

The Relationship Between Periodontics and Diabetes

Different scientific studies certify that there is a bidirectional relationship between the two pathologies. On the one hand, Diabetes increases the risk of periodontitis. On the other hand,, Periodontal disease affects diabetes by impairing blood glucose control.

In short,, Diabetic patients have to pay special attention to the care of their gums through regular check-ups and optimal oral hygiene, using specific products that help prevent periodontal disease.

After understanding what periodontal disease is and what measures must be carried out to prevent and treat it, since MARSO Dental Clinic We invite you to visit us in case of inflammation, redness, bleeding or sore gums.